Monday, July 02, 2007

Summer Monday

Initially ideal biking conditions this morning. Then the stiff headwinds from the south kicked in. Nothing I wasn't use to but annoying nonetheless.

It was the usual biking routine until around Belmont where I caught up to Troy, a gentleman I've frequently encountered on my morning commutes. He was taking it easy this morning as he had done some pretty strenuous biking over the weekend. So it was a good opportunity to slow down and enjoy the ride instead of making it into a death race. Our kids know each other from preschool and swim classes so we talked about lessons, camps, and 4th of July plans until he broke off at North Avenue.

The winds really kicked in right after that. Since I sped up a little bit, my wind resistance also increased a little I suppose. It was kind of an ass kicker until Grand Avenue where the buildings broke up the breeze. As soon as I headed west on Roosevelt, it was a completely different story. Biking was almost effortless. The lights were in my favor and now the wind was at my back. Except for a motorist behind me who was quick on her horn, the rest of the ride was commuting bliss.

Distance Traveled: 24.3 miles
Distance to date: 3082.9 miles
Price of gas: $3.51

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